Germany's progress in the application of quantum computing

Quantum computing promises large economic potential, especially in application and downstream value creation stages. To benefit from this, it is important to know the ecosystem to support the successful industrial application of this technology. The Quantum Technology and Application Consortium (QUTAC) aims to play a decisive role in shaping the development of a sovereign quantum computing ecosystem in Germany, in order to strengthen the competitive advantage of the business location in Germany and in Europe. To do so, it is important to accelerate the process of developing quantum computing towards industrial applicability. It is therefore recommended to regularly monitor the quantum computing ecosystem and to identify potential areas of improvement. To this end, QUTAC has developed a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) framework of 24 KPIs, which includes all relevant stakeholders and drivers, to represent Germany’s performance in applying quantum computing.
For further information on our KPIs, please have a look at our publication „A KPI framework to standardize the measurement of a country’s progress in bringing quantum computing into application“ (June 2024) in EPJ Quantum Technology.

Published in October 2022

Quantum Computing companies


Quantum Computing companies (excl. Start-ups)

Quantum Computing startups


Quantum Computing startups

Industry representation

87.5 %

of relevant industries are represented in a national consortium

International participation

30.8 %

of companies in the national stock market index participate in a (trans-)national consortium

Workforce attrition

69.2 %

of people with Quantum Computing experience from TOP 10 universities remain in the country

Experts availability


people with Quantum Computing experience in the industry

Hiring duration

57 days

is the average duration of a job posting

Secured innovations


patent families

Reach of associations


followers on LinkedIn for the Top 5 collaborating quantum associations

Scientists availability


scientists with an H-index above 40 in quantum related fields

Quantum Computing excellence clusters


excellence clusters and "Sonderforschungsbereiche" focusing on Quantum Computing related topics

Degree programs


Quantum Technology degree programs at universities

Applied degree programs


Quantum Technlology degree program at universities of applied sciences

National funding

 400 million EUR

is the amount of national funding spent in the current year

Collaboration funding


of funding goes to collaborative research with industry

Political support horizon

9 years

is the political support horizon

National strategy


national strategy - published by one of the ministries

High-school curriculum


of pupils cover Quantum Computing-related topics in high school

Startup funding

5.8 million USD

is the average funding for Quantum Computing startups

Venture capital and private equity investments


venture capital funds and private equity firms invest in Quantum Computing in Germany

Business angels’ investments


business angels investing in Quantum Computing in Germany

Meetup groups


members of Quantum Computing Meetup groups

Society’s sentiment


perception of Quantum Technologies and their application

GitHub commits


GitHub commits

National score & overview of all normalized KPI values


national, normalized KPI value

Hardware / Software

Quantum Computing companies

Number of companies with headquarter in a respective country that are active in the field of Quantum Computing. This includes companies that develop/produce products and/or services in the field of Quantum Computing.

  • Quantum Computing companies (excl. Start-ups): 6
  • Quantum Computing companies per GDP*: 1.4*10-12
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.21
Quelle: CapitalIQ (
* Gross domestic product (GDP) for Germany in 2021: 4,222,924 M USD (; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.

Hardware / Software

Quantum Computing startups

Number of startups in the field of Quantum Computing (software and hardware) that were founded no longer than 10 years ago in a respective country.

  • Quantum Computing startups: 15
  • Quantum Computing startups per GDP*: 3.6*10-12
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.23
Quelle: Tracxn (
* Gross domestic product (GDP) for Germany in 2021: 4,222,924 M USD (; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Industry representation

Percentage of relevant industries, derived by Boston Consulting Group report1, that are represented in a national consortium. Relevant industries are:

  1. Automotive
  2. Biotechnology and chemical technology
  3. Service industry (finance and insurance)
  4. Energy supply and industry
  5. IT industry
  6. Logistics, warehousing & transportation
  7. Aerospace
  8. Pharmaceutical industry
  • Relevant industries that are represented in a national consortium: 87.5%
  • Normalized KPI value*: 0.88
Quelle: Members listed on QUTAC’s website ( and members’ websites
1 J.-F. Bobier, M. Langione, E. Tao and A. Gourévitch, “”What Happens When ‘If’ Turns to ‘When’ in Quantum Computing?,”” Boston Consolting Group, 2021.
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


International participation

Ratio of stock listed companies participating in at least one national or transnational consortium with a Quantum Computing-focus, to the total number of companies listed in the national stock market index. For each country, the considered consortia need to be defined and should not be changed, to ensure comparability of measurements over time.

  • Companies in the national stock market index participating in a (trans-)national consortium: 30.8%
  • Normalized KPI value*: 0.31
Quelle: Companies in the DAX 40; members list of QUTAC ( and the European Quantum Industry Consortium(QuIC) (
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Workforce attrition

Ratio of people who (1) currently reside in the respective country, (2) are or have been enrolled in one of the TOP 10 national universities (offering degree programs in engineering or science) and (3) have knowledge or professional experience in the field of Quantum Computing, in relation to the total number of people who meet these criteria except without residing in the respective country.

  • People with Quantum Computing experience from TOP 10 universities remaining in the country: 69.2%
  • Normalized KPI value*: 0.69
Quelle: TOP universities evaluation by QS Quacquarelli Symonds (; experience based on Linkedin (
*In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Experts availability

The ratio of people who (1) currently reside in the respective country, (2) are working in the industry and (3) have some experience in the field of Quantum Computing.

  • People with Quantum Computing experience in the industry: 1855
  • People in the industry per working age population (WAP)* with QC experience: 34.9*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.38
Quelle: Linkedin (
* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Hiring duration

Number of days a job posting with Quantum Computing profile (Quantum Computing skills required) is open on average in the respective country.

  • The average duration of a job posting: 57 days
  • Normalized KPI value*: 0.75
Quelle: TalentNeuron (
*In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Secured innovations

Number of patent families registered in the field of Quantum Computing, for which ‘authority of applicant’ is in the respective country with four additional criteria:

  1. Patents from group ‘Cryptographic mechanisms or cryptographic arrangements for secret or secure communications; Network security protocols’ (H04L9/00) are excluded.
  2. At least one patent from a patent family must be active.
  3. Excluding patent families of companies with more than 5 patent families whose headquarter is not located in the respective country.
  4. For all companies (with patents still listed after filtering according to criteria 1-3), who have more than 5 patent families and whose headquarter is in the respective country, it is evaluated whether they have additional patents, for which ‘authority of applicant’ is not in the respective country. Those patens are also included.
  • Patent families: 105
  • Patents per WAP*: 2.0*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.15
Quelle: IP7 Technologies GmbH (
Patentsight (
* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Reach of associations

Sum of current followers of LinkedIn sites of the TOP 5 (by number of followers) collaborating (within industry or academia or between industry and academia) associations in the respective country. In these associations, members from at least two organizations (including companies, universities, research and technology organizations and other institutions) must be involved. The associations need to focus on Quantum Computing in their main activities. Associations considered for KPI evaluation have to be defined for each country and should not be changed to ensure comparability of measurements over time.

  • Followers on LinkedIn for the Top 5 collaborating quantum associations: 20504
  • Normalized KPI value*: 1.00
Quelle: Linkedin (
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Scientists availability

The total number of scientists in the respective country that achieve an H-index above 40 and work in quantum related fields, no direct correlation to quantum technology topics is necessary. The following quantum related fields are considered: • Mathematics • Computer Science • Chemistry • Electronics and Electrical Engineering • Engineering and Technology • Material Science

  • Scientists with an H-index above 40 in quantum related fields: 1841
  • Scientists with an H-index above 40 in quantum related fields per WAP*: 34.6*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.89
Quelle: (
* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Quantum Computing excellence clusters

Share of all excellence clusters and “Sonderforschungsbreiche” focusing on Quantum Computing related topics. A cluster is considered as excellence cluster if it enhances scientific networking and cooperation among the participating institutions and if it is an important part of a university’s strategic and thematic planning. Quantum Computing related topics include:

  1. Research in hardware and software for Quantum Computing
  2. Research in postquantum encryption
  3. Research in the field of material science that can contribute to Quantum Computing hardware design
  4. Research in the field of optics and photonics that can contribute to Quantum Computing hardware design
  5. Research in the application of Quantum Computing
  • Excellence clusters and “Sonderforschungsbereiche” focusing on Quantum Computing related topics: 16
  • Percentage of excellence clusters and “Sonderforschungsbereiche” focusing on Quantum Computing related topics: 10.2%
  • Normalized KPI value*: 1.00
Quelle: German Research Foundation DFG (
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Degree programs

Number of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs (counted separately) at universities in the field of Quantum Technology. This includes degree programs in physics and other disciplines that offer specialization on quantum physics or quantum mechanics.

  • Quantum Technology degree programs at universities: 39
  • Quantum Technology degree programs at universities per WAP*: 0.5*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.22
Quelle: ‘Hochschulkompass’ by German Rectors Conference
* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Applied degree programs

Number of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs (counted separately) at universities of applied sciences in the field of Quantum Technology. This includes degree programs in physics and other disciplines that offer specialization on quantum physics or quantum mechanics.

  • Quantum Technlology degree programs at universities of applied sciences: 1
  • Degree programs at universities of applied sciences per WAP*0.01*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.01
Quelle: ‘Hochschulkompass’ by German Rectors Conference
* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


National funding

Amount of dedicated investment in Quantum Technologies on a national level (without additional financial support by federal states) in the current year by the government of the respective country.

  • Amount of national funding spent in the current year: 400 million EUR
  • National funding per GDP*: 91.3*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 1.00
Quelle: German Budgetary Plan 2021.
Bundesministerium der Finanzen
* Gross domestic product (GDP) for Germany in 2021: 4,222,924 M USD (; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Collaboration funding

Amount of funding by government for ongoing Quantum Technology projects involving at least one industry partner and at least one academic partner divided by the total amount of funding by government for ongoing Quantum Technology projects.

  • Funding which goes to collaborative research with industry: 53%
  • Normalized KPI value*: 0.59
Quelle: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, (
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Political support horizon

The length of time in years (from today) that is defined as a specific spending window in which a national government commits to support projects in the field of Quantum Computing. This information is published either in the national strategy document or in the national budgetary plan.

  • Political support horizon: 9 Jahre
  • Normalized KPI value*: 1.00
Quelle: Publications of German government ; latest QC report by BMBF
Die Bundesregierung (
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


National strategy

Indicator of whether or not a government institution has published a document on a national strategy on Quantum Computing. If a document was published by the national government or in cooperation of at least two ministries, the KPI value is set to 1. If a document is published by one of the ministries, the KPI value is set to 0.5. If no document is available, the KPI value is set to 0.

  • National strategy: available – published by one of the ministries
  • Normalized KPI value*: 0.5
Quelle: Publications of German government; German strategy report by BMBF
Die Bundesregierung (
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


High-school curriculum

Ratio of high school pupils that cover or touch the topic of quantum physics or quantum mechanics in at least one year at high school based on a given curriculum. To evaluate the KPI in countries with different curricula for different federal states, for each federal state it is evaluated in which schooling year quantum physics or quantum mechanics is taught and how many pupils are approximately reached.

  • Percentage of pupils coveingr Quantum Computing-related topics in high school: 59%
  • Normalized KPI value*: 0.59
Quelle: “erman high school curriculum; German database to extract number of graduating pupils.
Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildung (
Statistisches Bundesamt (
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Startup funding

Average funding by global investors received by Quantum Computing startups with headquarter in the respective country (startups with focus on hardware, software and/or application of Quantum Computing).

  • Average funding for Quantum Computing startups: 5.8 million USD
  • Average funding for Quantum Computing startups per GDP*: 1.4*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.12
Quelle: Tracxn (
* Gross domestic product (GDP) for Germany in 2021: 4,222,924 M USD (; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Venture capital and private equity investments

Number of global venture capital funds and private equity firms that are currently investing in Quantum Computing companies or startups (focusing on software, hardware and/or application of Quantum Computing) with headquarters in the respective country.

  • Venture capital funds and private equity firms investing in Quantum Computing in Germany: 104
  • Venture capital funds and private equity firms invest in Quantum Computing per WAP*: 2.0*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.12
Quelle: Crunchbase (
* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Business angels’ investments

Number of global business angels that are currently investing in Quantum Computing startups with headquarters in the respective country.

  • Business angels investing in Quantum Computing in Germany: 7
  • Business angels invest in Quantum Computing per WAP*: 0.1*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.37
Quelle: Crunchbase (
* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Meetup groups

Number of members of groups focusing on Quantum Computing in the social network Meetup in the respective country.

  • Members of Quantum Computing Meetup groups: 3255
  • Members of Quantum Computing Meetup groups per WAP*:61.2*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.16
Quelle: Meetup (
sup>* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
sup>*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


Society’s sentiment

Qualitative assessment whether newspapers spread a negative sentiment (e.g., fear) or positive sentiment (e.g., hype) on Quantum Technology related topics. The three most recent articles on Quantum Technology related topics from the TOP 5 most widely read newspapers in the respective country (excluding newspapers with low seriousness) are evaluated. The score for each article is based on the following criteria:

  1. Very bad perception of Quantum Technology, severe fear of the technology
  2. Doubt about the technology, fear of the technology
  3. Realistic perception of Quantum Technologies and their application
  4. Optimistic perception of Quantum Technologies, high expectations for progress and improvements through the technology
  5. Exaggeration of progress and problem-solving possibilities through the use of Quantum Technologies, hype

The final KPI value is the average of the scores for the considered articles.

  • Perception of Quantum Technologies and their application: realistic
  • Mood of Quantum Computing newspaper articles: 3.1
  • Normalized KPI value*: 0.98
Quelle: For Germany, we consider the following TOP5 newspapers: ‘Süddeutsche Zeitung‘, ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine‘, ‘Handelsblatt‘, ‘Die Welt‘, ‘taz’.
Fazit Communication GmbH (
* In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


GitHub commits

The sum of the number of GitHub commits of the TOP 30 contributors (according to number of contributions) of the respective country for each of the TOP 100 (according to the stars rating) Quantum Computing repositories.

  • Number of GitHub commits: 2175
  • GitHub commits per WAP*:40.9*10-6
  • Normalized KPI value*2: 0.38
Quelle: GitHub(
* Working age population (WAP) for Germany: 64% (Source:; accessed Oct. 22)
*2 In order to make the performance of the individual KPIs comparable with each other, the KPIs are normalized. This is done by using target values as a reference.


National score & overview of all normalized KPI values

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